Messages of Faith Ministry
Chaplaincy Nevada
Nevada State Incorporated, 2001  Nevada Licensed, 2001
Non Profit 501 c-3 

 Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
II Timothy 2:15
2024 Training Schedule
Professional Certificate Course  
Clinical Pastoral Training

CPT Professional Certificate-Course
Clinical Pastoral Training- 
Sat. & Sun. 1:30-5:30PM 

CPT: 16 Sessions  4 Units
​* Professional Certificate Course (Variety of Instructors)
Time: 1:30PM-5:30PM  (All sessions)
CPT – Unit-1 = 4 Sessions: 16 hrs

  *Clergy Training: Science Study Mind/Behavior
Unit-1. August: Sat & Sun: 10/11/17/18th

Syllabus Topics:
1 Psychology, Science & Faith:  
2 Humanity: Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit
3 Pastoral Christian Coaching: 
4 End of Life

Unit-2. September: Sat & Sun: 14/15/21/22  

*Syllabus Topics:
1 Rehabilitation Counseling: 
2 Spiritual & Secular Counseling: 
3 Spiritual Care/Clinical Chaplaincy:  
4 Addiction/Mental Health 

  *Theology & Ministry
Unit 3.  October: 5/6/12/13th  

*Syllabus Topics
1 Foundation of Theology and Ministry
2 The Bible, Christianity
3 Christian Roles & Major Religions 
4 Studies & Concepts of Religion

  *Pastoral Care
Unit 4. November:  9/10/16/17th  
Syllabus Topics
1 Ministry of Presence, Church/Body of Christ
2 Hospitals & Hospice, Policies & Procedures
3 Clinical Outreach & Services, Case Study.
4 Pastoral Care, Traditions, Sacraments

All 4 Units of 16 sessions must be completed to pass.
The course is allowed a total of 2 absences only out of 16 sessions with make-up assignments. 

  *CPT Certificate Ceremony Dec 14th 1:00PM

  *Chaplain Mandatory Check-in/Annual Prayer 
October 3rd: Thursday 4:30PM
Check-in/ "Peace Be Still Prayer”

  *Advisory Board: 
2nd Saturday of Each Month.
  *Chaplains Picnic: TBA  

  *Faith Is Live 
Social Media Talk Show
Saturdays: 1st Saturday of each month

Task-Force Schedule
Spiritual 1st Responders 

  *RECAP: Chaplain Procedures 
*January Sat 27th 10:AM-1PM
*June Sat 29th 10AM-1PM

  *Broken Pneuma: Specialized CERT Training  
July: Sat: 13th 10AM-3PM
Sunday 14th 1:30-6:30PM

  *Quarterly Mini-Training's
* Feb: Sat 17th 10:30AM-1:00PM
* June: Sat: 22nd 10:00AM- 1:00PM
* Nov. Sat 17th 10AM-1:00PM

Chaplain Fellowship Events

  *Chaplain Fellowship Events/Coffee Clutch
TBA- (the schedule will become available during 2023 per event notifications.

  *Holiday Potluck Events
Easter: Sat: 23rd 10:30AM-1:30PM
Christmas: Sat: 14th  2:-6PM

  *Quarterly Breakfasts
TBA- (the schedule will become available during 2024 per event notifications.

  *National Day of Prayer – Prayer Meet

* Chaplains Annual Picnic: AB
Saturday May 25th   11AM-3PM

    Academy Training Booklet Download Here
​                   Academy Registration Policies

 Academy Studies 2024

​Check back often for any updates!


*Instructor Facilitator 
Sat: 6th 11AM-2:00PM (Instructors Only)

* Leadership: Vision Ministry 
Sun: 7th 1:30PM-5:30PM 

*Homiletics: Apprenticeship 
Sat: 13/20/27th 1:30-5:30PM  
Sun: 14/21/ 28th 1:30-5:30PM 


​* The Trinity 
 Sat: 3rd 1:30PM-5PM 
 Sun: 4th 2:PM-6:PM

*Services: Baptisms/ Funerals/ Weddings
Sat: 10th 1:30:-4:30PM 
Sun: Feb 11th 1:30-4:30PM

*Eschatology/Biblical Language Translation
Sat: 17th 1:30-5:30PM
Sun: 18th 1:30PM-5:30PM

Sat: 24th 2:00-5:30PM
 Sun: 25th 2:00- 5:30PM


  *Apologetics 2:00-5:30PM
Sat: 2nd /9th 
Sun: 3rd /10th  

  *Roman, Pauline, General  Epistles 
Sat: 16th 10:30AM-1:30PM 


Sat: 6th 2:00-5:30PM
 Sun: 7th 2:00-5:30PM

  *Basic Chaplaincy Certification
Sat 10AM-4PM / Sun 1-7PM 4 Sessions
Sat: 13/20th Sun: 14th/ 21st  
Ord Training: 27th /28th  
10:AM- 4:30PM Sun: 1:30-7:30PM 


Sat May 4th  11AM-3PM

*Ordination Ceremony/SR-BCC-Seminary Graduation: 
Sat: May 11th 11:00AM 

*Levels of Heaven & Hell
Sat: 18th 1:30PM  
Sun: 19th 2:00-6:00PM  

*Skills Basic 1 
Sat: 18th  9:30AM-1:00PM
  *Skills Basic 2
Sat: June  1st 9:30AM-1:00PM

CAB Annual Picnic
Sat: May 25th   11AM-3PM


Sat: 1st: 1:30-5:00PM 
 Sun: 2nd : 2:00-5:30PM

*Skills Basic 2
Sat: June  1st 9:30AM-1:00PM

  *Book of Revelation 
Sat: 8/15th 1:30-5:00PM
 Sun: 9/16th 1:30-5PM  

  *Biblical Studies: Bible OT & NT 
Part1: Sat: 29th Sun: 30th 1:30 -1-5:30PM  


  *Part 2: Bible Foundation 
Sat: 6th Sun: 7th  

  *Grant Writing-1 
Saturday- 20th 10AM-1PM
Grant Writing-2
Sun: 21st 1:30PM-4:30PM  

  *The Spiritual Realm
Sat: 27th 1:30-5:30PM 
Sun: 28th 1:30-5:30PM


  *Google Hours Training: Required
Sat 3rd  10AM-1PM

*Parables & Miracles
​Sat 3rd: 1:30-5:00PM


Sat: 7th Sun: 8th  
Sat: 1:00-5PM Sun: 1:30-5PM


  *Basic Chaplaincy Certification
Sat & Sun: – 12/13/19/20th  
Sat: 10AM-4PM Sun 1:30-7:30PM 
* Ordination Course: Oct-: Sat & Sun  
Sat: 26th: 10AM-4:30PM 
Sun: 27th: 1:30-7:30 PM

*Church History & Philosophy
Sat: Oct 26th 12-4PM
Sun: Oct 27th 1:30-5:30PM


* Ordination Ceremony/ Graduation
Sat. 2nd 11:AM  (No Classes)

*Forgiveness: The Atonement
Sat: Nov 16th 9:15AM-1:15PM


  *Services: Baptisms/ Funerals/ Weddings 
Sat: 7th 1:30-5:30PM 
Sun:8th: 1:30-5:30PM

*CPT Cert Ceremony: 14th 1:00PM
Copyright(c)2009  All Rights Reserved
​ Training Programs

Professional Certificate Programs & Graduation
(Total overall time)

1. A: ACADEMY SR Chaplain Program= Spring & Fall = 1.5 yrs
1. B: BCChaplains= Ministerial Board Certification= 3.-3.5yrs
2. CPT Fall/Winter  16 sessions:= 4 Months
3. TASKFORCE:  Fall/Winter= 1 yr.
4. SEMINARY=Summer/Fall/Winter= 3yrs

All things work together for good. Rom 8:28
All Chaplaincy classes work together for good, as one, through the Ministry's 3-training programs.
Copyright(c)MOFM2001 All Rights Reserved
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps Proverbs 16:9